About Us
Help I’m Pregnant!
You are faced with very real and tough choices. It can be incredibly stressful to have so many options and little time to make a decision regarding any aspect of pregnancy or parenthood: we don’t want you to feel isolated as you wade through the information and your own circumstances.
The team at Hōkai Tahi are committed to slowing the panic you might be facing due to an unplanned/crisis pregnancy by being present, and providing you with time and space to make fully informed decisions.
Practical Pregnancy Support
We can provide practical support in the form of baby clothing, maternity clothing, nursery equipment and set up, car seats, limited food and petrol vouchers, access to weekly food parcels and meals, transport to your appointments with us, babysitting while you have your appointment with us (if required).
Where there are practical concerns that you have identified as needing assistance with, and those concerns fall outside of our scope of practice, we are happy to provide information about other agencies that are available within the Wairarapa community to help. A lot of services are either offered free of charge or at low cost. Some services you might be eligible to apply for funding for.
Baby Loss Support
We support those dealing with the death of a baby in pregnancy, birth, or as a newborn, and due to medical termination or other forms of reproductive loss
The experience of losing a child is devastating. Perhaps you never dealt with a grief from long ago and it leaves you with a dull ache or still catches you out when you least expect it. Maybe your grief is still raw and you drag the weight of it with you wherever you go. Whatever the case may be, you should never have to be or feel alone through such a difficult experience and process.
When you experience loss, it is important to realise that everyone grieves in their own unique way; there is no ‘right’ way to grieve. However, you may be surprised by your own grief process.
Perhaps other people’s reactions to your grief are not what you expected. Unfortunately, it is quite common for the amount of sympathy from others to be associated to the size of life, so people might make light of your loss or encourage you to ‘move on’. As a result, you can be left feeling misunderstood and alone.
Maybe you find it difficult to know how to respond to the way that those closest to you are grieving while you are also carrying the weight of that loss.
If you have lost a baby, please know that we care. We are here to listen, share your heavy burden and/or help you navigate this new way of life whenever you feel ready to call us.
Post Termination Support
A pregnancy loss can result in grief and conflicting emotions. It is never too late to address and work through how you are feeling. We are a safe place where you can get compassionate and private help.
Model of Care
The symbol of the wharenui (house) illustrates these four dimensions of health. Should one of the four dimensions be missing or damaged, a person or group may become imbalanced and potentially unwell. The inclusion of the wairua (the spirirual), the role of whānau (family), and the balance of hinengaro (mind/emotions) are as important as the physical manifestations of illness.

We appreciate this model of care as we believe that it recognises every dimension of health and rightfully expresses that each dimension is intimately connected to all of the others.
The team at Hōkai Tahi, offers you a safe space to work through the vulnerabilities surrounding your pregnancy or baby loss, addressing every dimension of your health. We seek to understand your place of belonging, and walk with you as you make decisions.
Where a need or concern falls outside of our scope of practice, we will work with other local organisations to ensure you receive the help that you require.
We will ensure that you remain autonomous in any decisions that you have to make.
You are welcome to bring a support person along to your appointment/s with us if you wish.
Other Providers
We have some amazing supports available to hapū māmā and whānau in our community. It can be overwhelming to even know where to begin looking for support! The good news is, there’s a BRAND NEW services directory for the Wairarapa region. Anyone with internet or mobile access can view this resource. It includes:
Youth Services – services, activities and options for young people to engage, learn, and develop in the community.
Health and Wellbeing – services available to support and strengthen the health and wellbeing of individuals and groups.
Community Services – Services, supports and activities for people of all ages to keep us safe, empowered and connected.
Education – Services / information about educational and learning opportunities for people interested in studying, training or exploring their employment options.
There’s never been a better time, than now, to see how you can be better connected and supported.
Directory | Wairarapa Safer Community Trust
What can I expect when I contact you for the first time?
After your first appointment, your support coordinator will arrange further contact on an ‘as-needed’ basis and at a time that is convenient for you both.
Please note that we are not a ‘drop in’ centre.