Pregnancy Support Service

Since its inception, Hōkai Tahi has been committed to enriching and promoting the well-being of mothers and their whānau, in particular, those who face adverse circumstances surrounding their pregnancy.

He moana puke e ekengia e te waka
A choppy sea can be navigated

Our Vision

To provide a service that supports women and their whānau journeying through pregnancy or baby loss, in any circumstance or at any stage. 

Our Mission

To equip women and their whānau in the Wairarapa through all aspects of their pregnancy, by giving them the space, time and resources to make informed decisions, or to process the grief related to baby loss or termination, and come to a place of peace and hope. 

What We Offer

We offer an accessible, clinically-based, community-focused service that supports the individual, family, community and primary healthcare network within the Wairarapa.

Our Support Coordinators are registered health professionals and counsellors who maintain professional standards. They create a safe space where any information shared will be kept confidential and you will be free to share without any judgment.

FREE services we provide:
pregnancy support, maternity and baby items, baby loss support, post termination support, and counselling.
You will be provided with sustained, holistic care based on a Māori Healthcare framework.

Our story

Hōkai Tahi, formally known as Crisis Pregnancy Support Wairarapa (CPSW), was founded and formed primarily by healthcare workers who wanted to create a support service based within a professional health framework that is complementary to, and fills a gap, in current maternity services.
Hōkai Tahi began in September 2016 with four people sitting around a table: a doctor, a psycho geriatric nurse/counsellor, a retired nurse, and a woman with a heart for pregnant women. At the core of their discussion was the aim to fill the void in community maternal support services. They envisaged creating a safe, professional and understanding space for a woman and her whānau to discuss and understand her options before making decisions surrounding her pregnancy, or to process grief related to a pregnancy loss.

Charitable Trust

Hōkai Tahi was registered as a Charitable Trust on 4th May 2017.

New Name, New Place…Same Heart
In January 2020, thanks to the generosity of a local couple, we were afforded the opportunity to move to our current location at 21 Worksop Road, Masterton.
In December 2020, Rangitane gifted CPSW with our current name, something that would resonate with our local community and hold historical significance to our region.

Our Values

  • Life – Kaitiakitanga: We promote life as precious and that the needs of every individual should have an opportunity to be considered.
  • Professionalism: We strive to deliver a professional and confidential service for all women and her whānau/support network without any judgment.
  • Care – Manaakitanga: We nurture an environment of safety, understanding, hope, respect, sensitivity, forgiveness, and healing.
  • Culture – Wairuatanga: We recognise, respect and respond to the diverse cultural beliefs, values and practices of the women who choose to use our service and uphold Te Tiriti O Waitangi principles of Partnership, Participation and Protection.


  • Collaboration – Whanaungatanga: We collaborate and strengthen ties with other family/support services in the community to promote safety, reliability of information, and a holistic approach to women’s health.
  • Empowerment – Rangatiratanga: We empower women to make well-informed decisions, equipping them through education & training, additional support people, and practical assistance, giving them the appropriate time and space to make decisions


There will be someone with a similar experience out there who can identify with you. No single experience or story is the same, but knowing that others have been where you are now and have found a way to get through, can bring a great sense of relief.

I engaged with Crisis Pregnancy when I found out I was pregnant: my son is now 5 months. I personally needed this service because I had little family and friend support at the time. I could not rely on my son’s father and my life was upside down. This service gave me the support I needed, to accept my baby even though it was difficult. Once I was able to accept it, I was then able to put all my love and effort into setting my life up in the best way for my family and Crisis Pregnancy was there every step of the way when needed. Knowing I had support kept me going and I wouldn’t be where I am without that support

 Jessica is such a lovely and friendly person and I always felt I could say anything without judgement and felt comfortable doing so. Would definitely recommend and thanks so much! xx

 Thank you so much for all the help and support I received from you – especially Jess. It was a horrible time and I didn’t know how to make sense of anything I was feeling but Jess was amazing. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without your support. From the bottom of my heart – thank you.

Volunteer Week Testimonial

‘I am honoured to be a volunteer Support Coordinator with Hōkai Tahi.

Our mahi is to create a safe, welcoming environment for hapū wāhine and whānau or other support persons to come and share their story. The face to face appointments allow for uniquely private, sacred and personal spaces where I can listen to our clients story. There is no time pressure, judgement or brow beating. 

I am honoured that hapū wāhine tell me, a complete stranger, their pain and concerns. Although I may not have experienced their exact pain, I have travelled in other painful places and spaces: I can empathise with that pain. Listening, empathy and regarding our clients with unconditional positive regard, bringing hope and grace, can go a long way. I have been blessed to be part of their support network. I have journeyed with clients and held their babies when at first there did not seem to be a lot of hope. 

Journeying with wāhine who have experienced the trauma of termination is also a very sacred journey towards healing and wholeness, forgiveness and freedom.